Aedes Mosquito
is a genus of mosquito
originally found in tropical and subtropical zones, but now found on all continents excluding Antarctica. Some species have been spread by human activity.
Aedes albopictus,
a most invasive species was recently spread to the New World, including the U.S., by the used tire trade. First described and named by Meigen in 1818, the name comes from the Ancient Greek aēdēs, meaning "unpleasant" or "odious". Some species of this genus transmit serious diseases, including dengue fever and yellow fever. In Polynesia, the species
Aedes polynesiensis is responsible for the transmission of human lymphatic filariasis.
Aedes can be detected and monitored by ovitraps.
The yellow fever mosquito
(Aedes aegypti) genome
is being sequenced by the Broad Institute and The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR). The initial assembly was released in August 2005; a draft sequence of the genome and preliminary analysis was published in June 2007.Annotation of the sequence is being undertaken by VectorBase and TIGR.
Aedes species are typical small mosquitoes. They usually have black and white stripe markings on their body and legs.Systematics and phylogeny
The genus was named by Johann Wilhelm Meigen in 1818. As historically defined, the genus contains over 700 species (see the list of Aedes species) The genus has been divided into several subgenera(Aedes, Diceromyia, Finlaya, Stegomyia etc.).
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